Avani Goyal, Nathaniel Dirks : 12752 : Final Project Due: 12/13/2015
In [171]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
from operator import itemgetter
import math
%matplotlib inline
It is loaded in two different variables to use it for two different purposes.
In [172]:
f= open('recs2009_public.csv','r')
datanames = np.genfromtxt(f,delimiter=',', names=True,dtype=None)
In [173]:
data1 = np.genfromtxt('recs2009_public.csv',delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
In [174]:
midatlantic = datanames[np.where(datanames['DIVISION']==2)]
# print midatlantic[0]
print midatlantic.shape
In [175]:
wesouthcen = datanames[np.where(datanames['DIVISION']==7)]
# wesouthcen[0]
print wesouthcen.shape
'TOTALBTU' column represents the total energy consumption including electricity and other fuels like natural gas. Each regional dataset is plotted to observe the individual trends and to get a comparative picture.
In [176]:
plt.plot(midatlantic['TOTALBTU'], 'rd')
plt.plot(wesouthcen['TOTALBTU'], 'bd')
The individual trends are similar and show an almost linear horizontal line.
'MIDATLANTIC' region is selected for carrying out further analysis and build a regression model for predicting energy consumption values.
In [177]:
Space heating energy consumption is analyzed against the dollar cost for space heating use to observe the correlation and check if it can be used for regression modeling.
In [208]:
plt.plot(newdata['TOTALBTUSPH'],newdata['TOTALDOLSPH'], 'rd')
plt.xlabel('Space Heating Energy consumption (BTU)')
plt.ylabel('Total cost for space heating ($)')
In [209]:
xi = np.arange(0,1328)
A = np.array([ xi, np.ones(1328)])
# linearly generated sequence
y = midatlantic['TOTALBTU']
# obtaining the parameters
w = np.linalg.lstsq(A.T,y)[0]
xa = np.arange(0,1328,5)
y = y[0:-1:5]
# plotting the regression line
line = w[0]*xa+w[1]
plt.title('Linear least squares fit line')
plt.ylabel('Total energy usage (BTU)')
print "Average value of energy consumption (BTU):"
print np.average(y)
The least square fit line is observed to be almost horizontal suggesting uniform distribution of the data across the mean value of 104,896 BTU.
In [180]:
names = np.genfromtxt('public_layout.csv', delimiter=',',skip_header=1,dtype=None,usecols=[1])
print names
In [181]:
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In [184]:
In [185]:
years = lambda d : ((dt.datetime.now()).year - d)
yearsold = np.array(list(map(years, midatlantic['YEARMADE'])))
print yearsold
In [186]:
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Result: The top factors based on the manual selection of variables are 'TOTSQFT_EN', 'TOTROOMS' and 'WINDOWS' with the correlation coefficient values ranging from 0.49 - 0.55.
In [192]:
data1_ma = data1[(np.where(data1[:,2]==2))]
def bestcorrelation(X):
vector = np.zeros((len(X.T), 2))
for i in range(len(X.T)):
vector[i,0] = int(i)
vector[i,1] = np.corrcoef(X[:,i],X[:,907])[1,0]
return vector
v = bestcorrelation(data1_ma)
highcorr = v[(np.where(v[:,1]>=0.47))]
print "Variable with correlation values greater than 0.53: "
print highcorr
The top predictor variables are plotted against total the energy consumption values to visualize the trend.
In [193]:
fig = plt.figure(1)
fig.set_size_inches(15, 4)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1)
ax1.set_title("Total sqft")
ax1.set_ylabel("Energy consumption (BTU)")
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,2)
ax2.set_title("Total rooms")
ax2.set_ylabel("Energy consumption (BTU)")
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3)
ax3.set_title("Total windows")
ax3.set_ylabel("Energy consumption (BTU)")
In [194]:
def designmatrix(var1, var2, var3):
designmatrix = np.vstack((var1, var2, var3))
designmatrix = designmatrix.T
return designmatrix
def beta_hat(X,Y):
dotp = np.dot(X.T,X)
Ainv = np.linalg.inv(dotp)
final = np.dot(Ainv,X.T)
final = np.dot(final,Y)
return final
def R2(X,Y,beta_hat):
m2 = Y-np.dot(X,beta_hat)
m1 = m2.T
y_avg =np.mean(Y)
n2 = Y - y_avg
n1 = n2.T
R2_value = 1 - ((np.dot(m1,m2))/(np.dot(n1,n2)))
return R2_value
In [195]:
R2_max = 0
for k in range(150000,400000,10000):
newdata = midatlantic[np.where(midatlantic['TOTALBTU']<k)]
data = newdata['TOTSQFT_EN'],newdata['TOTROOMS'],newdata['WINDOWS'],newdata['TOTALBTU']
data = np.transpose(data)
data_sorted = sorted(data, key=itemgetter(1))
data = data[0:-1]
data_train = data[::2]
data_test = data[1::2]
#Train dataset
area_train = data_train[:,0]
rooms_train = data_train[:,1]
windows_train = data_train[:,2]
btu_train = data_train[:,3]
dmx1 = designmatrix(area_train,rooms_train,windows_train)
beta_hat1 = beta_hat(dmx1,btu_train)
#Test dataset
area_test = data_test[:,0]
rooms_test = data_test[:,1]
windows_test = data_test[:,2]
btu_test = data_test[:,3]
dmx2 = designmatrix(area_test,rooms_test,windows_test)
btu_pre = np.dot(dmx2,beta_hat1)
R2_val = R2(dmx2,btu_test,beta_hat1)
plt.title('Distribution of R2 values')
plt.xlabel('Cutoff values of outlier (k)')
plt.ylabel('R2 value')
if R2_max < R2_val:
R2_max = R2_val
k_max = k
R2_max = R2_max
k_max = k_max
print "Maximum value of R2: ",R2_max
print "At k value (k_max): ",k_max
In [196]:
newdata = midatlantic[np.where(midatlantic['TOTALBTU']<k_max)]
data = newdata['TOTSQFT_EN'],newdata['TOTROOMS'],newdata['WINDOWS'],newdata['TOTALBTU']
data = np.transpose(data)
In [197]:
# Data is sorted on number of total rooms
data_sorted = sorted(data, key=itemgetter(1))
# Divide alternative values are taken henceforth for train and test dataset
data_sorted = np.array(data_sorted[0:-1])
data_train1 = np.array(data_sorted[::2])
data_test1 = np.array(data_sorted[1::2])
'Validation' function is created to build the model and make predictions for the energy consumption of test dataset.
It takes train dataset and test dataset as input and returns the R2 value and beta_matrix as output. It gives a plot to observe the comparison between actual and predicted values.
In [198]:
def validation(data_train,data_test):
#Train dataset
btu_train = data_train[:,3]
dmx1 = designmatrix(data_train[:,0],data_train[:,1],data_train[:,2])
beta_hat1 = beta_hat(dmx1,btu_train)
#Test dataset
btu_test = data_test[:,3]
dmx2 = designmatrix(data_test[:,0],data_test[:,1],data_test[:,2])
btu_pre = np.dot(dmx2,beta_hat1)
R2_val = R2(dmx2,btu_test,beta_hat1)
print "R2 value is: ",R2_val
plt.legend(['Actual data','Predicted data'])
plt.title('Validation of model')
print "Beta matrix:",beta_hat1
return (beta_hat1, R2_val)
beta1, R2_1 = validation(data_train1,data_test1)
In [199]:
print np.mean(data_test[:,0])
print np.mean(data_train[:,0])
In [200]:
print np.mean(data_test[:,1])
print np.mean(data_train[:,1])
In [201]:
print data_sorted
first = np.array(data_sorted[::3])
second = np.array(data_sorted[1::3])
third = np.array(data_sorted[2::3])
print "First dataset[0]:",first[0]
print "Second dataset[0]:",second[0]
print "Third dataset[0]:",third[0]
Three pairs of train and test datasets are created for cross validation purpose using the three datasets.
In [202]:
data_train2 = np.vstack((first,second))
data_test2 = np.array(third)
print "Second split of datasets"
print data_train2.shape
print data_test2.shape
data_train3 = np.vstack((first,third))
data_test3 = np.array(second)
print "Third split of datasets"
print data_train3.shape
print data_test3.shape
data_train4 = np.vstack((third,second))
data_test4 = np.array(first)
print "Fourth split of datasets"
print data_train4.shape
print data_test4.shape
In [203]:
beta2, R2_2 = validation(data_train2,data_test2)
In [204]:
beta3, R2_3 = validation(data_train3,data_test3)
In [205]:
beta4, R2_4 = validation(data_train4,data_test4)
In [206]:
l = [R2_1,R2_2,R2_3,R2_4]
R2_avg = np.mean(l)
print "Mean R2 value: ",R2_avg
beta_avg = np.mean([beta1,beta2,beta3,beta4],axis=0)
print "Mean Beta_hat matrix: ",beta_avg
In [207]:
# calculating error matrix: (Y-XB)
btu_test = data_test1[:,3]
dmx2 = designmatrix(data_test1[:,0],data_test1[:,1],data_test1[:,2])
error = btu_test - np.dot(dmx2,beta_avg)
# defining N for the number of data points in the test dataset
N = error.size
# defining the number of co-efficients in the beta_hat matrix
p = beta_avg.size
X = dmx2
print "N=",N
print "p=",p
#squaring of error matrix is calculated by multiplying by its transpose
errormatrix = (np.dot(error,error.T))/(N-p-1)
# print "Standard mean error:",errormatrix
s_var = errormatrix*(np.linalg.inv(np.dot(X.T,X)))
# print s_var
import math
sqrt = lambda d: (math.sqrt(d))
s_dev = map(sqrt,np.diag(s_var))
# s_dev
from scipy.stats import t
T_val = t.isf((1-0.95)/2,(N-p-1))
max_val = beta_avg + np.dot(T_val,s_dev)
min_val = beta_avg - np.dot(T_val,s_dev)
print "Base value: "+str(np.round(beta_avg, decimals=1))
print "Maximum value: "+str(np.round(max_val, decimals=1))
print "Minimum value: "+str(np.round(min_val, decimals=1))